We are going to hold the HAPPY HALLOWEEN decoration at our lobby.
If you have a time or would like to enjoy halloween please come to our hotel!!

≪SNS hashtag posting promotion≫
1.Take a picture which is related to ‘Halloween’ and upload to SNS with hastag ‘#hamachohotel_halloween_2020’.
2.Please show the screen which you posted the picture to frontdesk staffs.
3.You can get a Special macaroons which is made by nel craftchoclolate tokyo.
*first-come-first-served basis .

Dates: 31st of October – 1st of November
Place: HAMACHO HOTEL 1st floor

We will regularly post the HAPPY HALLOWEEN at HAMACHO HOTEL information to our SNS, so if you can’t visit to Japan or you can’t come to our hotel due to COVID-19 please check our Instagram and facebook. (Instagram:hamacho_hotel_tokyo. Facebook:Hamacho Hotel Tokyo)

We are looking forward to seeing you soon.

KADO(Flower arrangement) Experience in TOKYO CRAFT ROOM

We are going to hold the KADOH (Flower arrangement) workshop on September 27th.
KADO is the traditional Japanese art of flower arrangement. It’s also called IKEBANA.
It started from early Buddhist flower offerings. By the 15th century, ikebana was a popular art form and the traditional style is to arrange flowers, branches, and grass in a shallow vase.
And, Tokyo Craft Room is the largest and gorgeous room in our hotel that considers the value of craft and functions as a new place of creation, shaping craft for the future.
The KADO teacher can speak fluently ENGLISH. So, don’t miss the special workshop experience!!

Date:27th of September (Sun)
Time:①13:00~ ②14:30~ ③16:00~ ④17:30~ ⑤19:00~
*It will be about 1 hour experience and maximum for 4 person for each time.
Price:3000 yen(This offer is limited to the first 20 participants.)
*The price is including flower, the tools rental and experience fee.
After enjoy the KADO you can take away the flower.

If you have interesting to join us, please feel free to contact us directly.
TEL:03-5643-1811 E-mail:info@hamachohotel.jp

In order to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus infection, we have implemented stringent precautionary operational measures at our hotel for the safety of our guests and employees.
・Request to wear a mask for all guest
・Strengthening alcohol disinfection at public spaces
・Request for body temperature measurement
・Asking for travel abroad record within for two weeks
・Measures for employees to wear a mask and using alcohol disinfection at all time
・Body temperature measurement and health check at the beginning of work for employees

If you have any questions please feel free to contact to us.
We are looking forward to seeing you at our hotel