Tanabata is based on the legendary meeting of two stars, Hikoboshi and Orihime, which are represented by Altair and Vega.Hikoboshi and Orihime fell in love and were really into each other. After their marriage, they stopped working and had been neglactive their work. So, an angry god separated them up by the river called Ama-no-gawa. However, god permitted them to reunite once a year on July 7th.
Tanabata is held on that day every year and people decorate bamboo trees with colorful pieces of paper to pray for Orihime and Hikoboshi to come together. It is also believed that wish will come true when you write on the paper strips and hang them on bamboo trees.
Dates:1st of July (Thu) – 7th of July (Wed)
Place:HAMACHO HOTEL 1st floor
≪SNS posting promotion≫
1. Write on the paper strips and hang them on the bamboo branch.
2.Take a picture which is related to ‘Tanabata’ and upload to SNS with HAMACHO HOTEL’s SNS account.
3.Please show the screen which you posted the picture to frontdesk staffs.
4.You can get a Special macaroons which is made by nel craftchoclolate tokyo.
*limited to first 77 customers.
We will regularly post the Tanabata week information to our SNS, so if you can’t visit to Japan or you can’t come to our hotel due to COVID-19 please check our Instagram and facebook.
(Instagram:hamacho_hotel_tokyo. Facebook:Hamacho Hotel Tokyo)
We are looking forward to seeing you soon.